Saturday, January 18, 2020

Nature and History

Book Title:  Nature and History
Authors:  Robert L. & Dee Tusch
Availability:  Amazon at our bookseller stall NQ99HQ
Book Description: This is a new book, published  in mid 2020.  It contains 20 essays on nature and local history of the central Texas area, all taken from our journal.
This book has many color photographs and so we had to have it printed in color as many of the photographs would mean little in black and white. While this raised the price to about $35, we hope that it will be worth it to those interested in looking at nature and history in some detail and an investment for some.

Book Cover:

"Out West"

Book Title:  "OutWest"
Author:  Robert L. Tusch
Availability:  Amazon and the author (use book title and author name in Amazon search) then buy from our bookseller stall NQ99HQ.
Price:  $12.00

Book Description:   My dad and two of his friends made an auto trip to the west starting from Grand Rapids, Michigan and touring Yellowstone National Park, then  south to Bryce Canyon, to Santa Fe and back to their home state.   They trio did not leave much detail of their trip in 1929, but the families managed to save about fifty photographs, thus allowing the author to relive the trip.  The journey covered about 4000 miles and took 17 days.
The contrast in the comforts of travel then and now are striking.  It makes one wonder how we existed without the cell phone, let alone motels, maps, spare tires, gasoline availability--- the list goes on.

The book, consisting of about 100 pages and 64 illustrations, was published in 2019 and is available on Amazon.

Amber's Adventures

 The book My Life in Rhyme has undergone a bit of redesign and is now separated into two books.  The animal rhymes will be removed from the ...